Sunday, January 27, 2013

Maryann McFadden's books

By Kate Phillips
            As a reader, I always love finding books that appeal to me. As a writer, I am twice as pleased when the authors also provide Masterclasses for me within their books.
            Masterclasses take place when performance artists and musicians work one-on-one with students. Writers don't generally have this option, but I have found some books to be Masterclasses for characters, dialogue, backstories, plots, settings voice, and/or creativity.
Maryann McFadden writes novels about woman who need time and space to make difficult choices due to changes in their circumstances, relationships, and within themselves. Each woman finds a different path to solitude, not always comfortably, meeting kindred spirits along the way.
Thoughtful and well-written, McFadden's stand-alone books all take place near the sea or a lake. These settings play important roles in the books.
The Richest Season features two women at different stages in their lives—one who needs care and one who needs shelter. A cottage by the sea gives them both comfort as they make life and death decisions.
In So Happy Together, the lead character is a mother who always wanted to be a photographer. Through a summer class, she ends up photographing Cape Cod. Her avocation brings the settings alive. The light, the scenery, objects, and people are all described in brilliant detail so the reader can see the shots she is taking while feeling both the wind and the sand as she walks around looking for the right light and compositions.
The Book Lover is a triple duty book as the lead is a first-time author. She works hard to get her book into the hands of readers through bookstore readings and visiting with book clubs--making friends and falling in love along the way. Budding authors should take notes on all the work it can take to get your books noticed.
These books have happy endings, but not always conventional ones. The settings stay with you—especially if you dream of time away by the sea.
What authors have provided Masterclasses for you?

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