Monday, July 27, 2015

Kinder Than Solitude by Yiyun Li

By Kate Phillips

First pages are usually the best written in a book—highly polished and edited—so I always want to see if the author sustained that level throughout his or her book.
When I’m in a bookstore, I pick up books and flip through them stopping at random pages to see if the writing style grabs my attention. I only read a sentence or two, not many words to convince me to buy in, but if the author is good, they are enough.
When I’m viewing books online, I can’t do that as only the first pages are available. To be honest, I’m more disappointed in the books I buy this way when I know nothing about the author. However, while online I can view many more books than are in a bookstore so I discover more gems this way.
The latest gem I’ve read is Kinder Than Solitude by Yiyun Li. Her book caught my eye as I looked for something new to read online. I loved the title.
I opened to the first pages and read the first paragraph. Based on that paragraph alone, I decided to buy her book. I also knew if the book lived up to that paragraph, I would use it as the basis for a masterclass post. I’ve never made this decision based on 93 words before, but Li captured the absurdness of human nature during one the most solemn of occasions. She made me think and she made me laugh.
Read the same paragraph for yourselves. If it appeals to you, read the rest of Li’s book. Her insights into human nature keep coming—fresh, true, eye-opening, and heartbreaking.
The plot of the book is sparse: The four main characters grow up in China, but after a slightly mysterious tragedy, two relocate to America. It’s the author’s voice and the creativity of her insights that made this a masterclass for me. Here are a few examples:

…believing, like most people, in a moment called later. Safely removed, later promises possibilities: changes, solutions, rewards, happiness, all too distant to be real, yet real enough to offer relief from the claustrophobic cocoon of now.  (page 33)
She had never been much of a reader of fiction before, but these [Russian or French] novels, whose characters bore long and unmemorable names had comforted her: even the most complicated stories offered a clarity that she could not find in the world around her…  (page 134)
No, solitude she did not have; what she had was a never-ending quarantine.  (page 229)

While these and many other lines appealed to me, I especially loved the phrase claustrophobic cocoon of now—four words that capture life when difficult perfectly.
Solitude a never-ending quarantine? I never considered solitude any kind of quarantine, but it is whether imposed or chosen.
The clarity of Yiyun Li's insights is why I recommend writers read Kinder Than Solitude. It’s also why I’ll read the rest of her books.

Monday, July 13, 2015

Two Books Filled with Quotes for Writers

By Kate Phillips 
          Summer is a busy time—beach, pool, visitors, BBQs, vacations, and, hopefully, writing. While writers should read as much as possible, there isn’t always time to settle down with a novel so I’m recommending two books of quotes for writers. They are easy to pick up and put down and filled with support and wisdom.        
          A Writer’s Commonplace Book by Rosemary Friedman offers quotes in eight categories: On Writers and Writing; On Literary Endeavour; On Knowledge, Discovery and Travel; On Creativity and the Arts; On the Human Condition; On Love, Marriage and Family; On Life and Death; and On Random Thoughts.
          Some of my favorites:
            A writer knows more than he knows. He has a subconscious
              ability to read signs.
                                                            --Nadine Gordimer  (page 13)
It is a delicious thing to write, whether well or badly, to be no longer yourself but to move in an entire universe of your own creation.
                                                    --Gustave Flaubert  (page 75)
The aim of literature was to write a book that would reveal to the reader things he had never thought of before.
                                             --Simone De Beauvoir  (page 82)
                  All normal people require both classics and trash.
                                             --George Bernard Shaw  (page 84)
Learning, thinking, innovation and maintaining contact with one’s own world are all facilitated by solitude.
                                                    --Anthony Storr  (page 164)

             There is power that works within us without consulting us.
                                                     --Voltaire  (page 208)
In The Writer’s Quotation Book: A Literary Companion edited by James Charlton some of my favorites include:
In a very real sense, people who have read good literature have lived more than people who cannot or will not read…It is not true that we have only one life to live; if we can read, we can live as many more lives and as many kinds of lives as we wish.
                                           --S. I. Hayakawa  (page 12)
There is more treasure in books than in all the pirates’ loot on Treasure Island…and best of all, you can enjoy these riches every day of your life.
                                           --Walt Disney  (page 16)
When you reread a classic you do not see more in the book than you did before; you see more in you than there was before.
                                           --Clifton Fadiman  (page 19)
Literature is an occupation in which you have to keep proving your talent to people who have none.
                                           --Jules Renard  (page 55)
Advice to young writers? Always the same advice: learn to trust your own judgement, learn inner independence, learn to trust that time will sort the good from the bad—including your own bad.
                                           --Doris Lessing  (page 73)
Nine out of ten writers, I am sure, could write more. I think they should and, if they did, they would find their work improving even beyond their own, their agent’s and their editor’s highest hopes.
                                           --John Creasy  (page 94)
          Take time to read, but keep writing!